
Carole Madrzak

Thursday, October 24, 2013


Things are going along fine with "On Borrowed Time". I can hardly wait to see it in print. I wonder what the design department will create for a book cover!

Thursday, October 17, 2013

New Book

"On Borrowed Time" is in pre-production. I can hardly wait to see it in print. I'm looking forward to the first time I lay eyes on the cover!

School Presentation

I went to Shady Lane School yesterday for an all fifth-grade presentation on the writing process. The students were great and had many interesting and insightful questions. I enjoyed every minute with them.

Friday, October 11, 2013


I would love to hear from you. Simply click on the link to my email address and send me a message. Please put "Books" in the subject line. I can't wait to hear from you.

Future Presentations

I will be at Shady Lane School in the near future. I will be talking to my grandson Will's fifth-grade class, along with the rest of the fifth-grade. I am looking forward to the experience as well as spending time with Will.


I went to Cottage Grove School for an all third-grade presentation. The students were wonderful and so attentive. I enjoyed my time with them.

I also went to Glacial Drumlin Middle School and gave a presentation to the sixth-grade class. The students were very attentive, had fantastic questions, and made me feel very comfortable. That a way to go, teachers!

Great News

I am happy to announce that my publisher accepted the manuscript for  "On Borrowed Time". I am waiting to hear more from them. At any rate, I am excited and can't wait for the day that the book is in my hands.